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Jun 27, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Betsy Ross
At about this time in 1776, Betsy Ross works as a seamstress and an upholsterer. At least according to legend, she would make the first...

Jun 26, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Battle of Monmouth
On this day in 1778, George Washington prepares to strike the British near Monmouth Court House in New Jersey. The conflict that followed...

Jun 11, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Joseph Warren, hero of Bunker Hill
On this day in 1741, a great Patriot is born. You may know him as the man who sent Paul Revere off on his ride, but he was far more than...

May 31, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Captain James Jack's Ride
At about this time in 1775, a Patriot begins a long horseback ride from Charlotte, North Carolina, to Philadelphia. The ride was long and...

May 22, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Washington refuses the title of “King.” Again.
On this day in 1782, George Washington responds to a shocking suggestion. Should ex-soldiers form a new state on the frontier? And should...

May 20, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Agrippa Hull, little-known American Patriot
On this day in 1848, Agrippa Hull passes away. He’s been called “one of the most remarkable and unnoticed African Americans of the...

May 12, 20242 min read
This Day in History: A Widow Sacrifices Her Home for the Patriot Cause
On this day in 1781, a female hero makes a little-known sacrifice for the Patriot cause. A widow, Rebecca Motte, gave Brigadier General...

May 8, 20243 min read
This Day in History: John Stark, the “Hero of Bennington”
On this day in 1822, a Revolutionary War hero passes away. John Stark is perhaps best known for coining the motto, “Live Free or Die!”...

May 3, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Capture of Fort Ticonderoga
On this day in 1775, Benedict Arnold sets out to capture Fort Ticonderoga. You might think of Arnold as a traitor, but he was then still...

Apr 25, 20244 min read
This Day in History: Sybil Ludington, the female Paul Revere
On this day in 1777, Sybil Ludington Ogden, the so-called female Paul Revere, makes a daring midnight ride! You know about Revere’s ride,...

Apr 18, 20243 min read
This Day in History: The “Shot Heard Round the World”
On this day in 1775, the “shot heard round the world” occurs at Lexington Green! It had been mere hours since Paul Revere ended his...

Apr 17, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Paul Revere makes his famous ride
On this day in 1775, Paul Revere makes his famous ride. I am so sorry to tell you that he did not really yell “the British are coming!”...

Apr 17, 20243 min read
This Day in History: The last battle of the American Revolution…. in Arkansas?
On this day in 1783, the last battle of the American Revolution occurs. No, it wasn’t at Yorktown. It wasn’t even in one of the original...

Apr 12, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Lyman Hall, signer of the Declaration
On this day in 1724, a future signer of the Declaration of Independence is born in Connecticut. Lyman Hall may have had the oddest path...

Apr 11, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Brokering Peace with Britain
On this day in 1783, Congress declares a cessation of hostilities against Great Britain. It was just one of many steps in the long, hard...

Apr 9, 20243 min read
This Day in History: The British win the Battle of the Saintes
On this day in 1782, the Battle of the Saintes begins. Did you know that the British and the French faced off in a Revolutionary War...

Mar 26, 20243 min read
This Day in History: The guy who spied on Benjamin Franklin
On this day in 1777, Dr. Edward Bancroft embarks on a journey to France. He plans to work as a spy! Bancroft would work directly with...

Mar 7, 20243 min read
This Day in History: A love story of the Revolution
On this day in 1777, future President John Adams writes three letters to his wife, Abigail Adams. The partnership and marriage between...

Mar 6, 20243 min read
This Day in History: A Signer of the Declaration, in prison
On this day in 1809, a signer of the Declaration of Independence passes away. The patriotic song “God Save our Thirteen States” is...

Mar 5, 20242 min read
This Day in History: Boston Massacre Orations
On this day in 1770, tensions between British soldiers and American colonists erupt. British soldiers fire into a crowd in an event that...
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