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Jan 33 min read
This Day in History: The Battle of Princeton
On this day in 1777, George Washington wins the Battle of Princeton. It was the Americans’ second stunning victory in only 9 days! As you...

Jan 23 min read
This Day in History: The Second Battle at Trenton
On this day in 1777, the “second battle of Trenton” occurs. Americans had won an astounding victory only one week earlier. Now, the...

Dec 26, 20242 min read
This Day in History: Victory at Trenton
On this day in 1776, General George Washington wins the Battle of Trenton. 1776 had been a difficult year. The victory provided a...

Dec 25, 20243 min read
This Day in History: George Washington crosses the Delaware
On this day in 1776, General George Washington makes a harrowing trip across the Delaware River, in the dead of night. The tremendous...

Dec 19, 20242 min read
This Day in History: Valley Forge
On this day in 1777, George Washington’s army marches into Valley Forge. The army would stay there for a long winter encampment. When you...

Nov 26, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Revolutionary War Thanksgivings
At about this time in 1941, the fourth Thursday in November officially becomes a national holiday. You may know about modern Thanksgiving...

Oct 23, 20243 min read
This Day in History: George Washington vs. pacifist Quakers
On or around this day in 1789, George Washington writes a letter to a minority religious group, the Quakers. “The liberty enjoyed by...

Aug 29, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Washington’s miraculous escape
On this day in 1776, George Washington and his troops make a miraculous escape across the East River and into Manhattan. The British...

Aug 22, 20243 min read
This Day in History: The British attack on Long Island
On this day in 1776, the British begin an effort against General George Washington’s troops, then stationed in Brooklyn and Manhattan....

Aug 7, 20242 min read
This Day in History: Happy Purple Heart Day!
On this day in 1782, General George Washington created a military award that would be the predecessor for the Purple Heart. Washington’s...

Jun 27, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Betsy Ross
At about this time in 1776, Betsy Ross works as a seamstress and an upholsterer. At least according to legend, she would make the first...

Jun 26, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Battle of Monmouth
On this day in 1778, George Washington prepares to strike the British near Monmouth Court House in New Jersey. The conflict that followed...

May 22, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Washington refuses the title of “King.” Again.
On this day in 1782, George Washington responds to a shocking suggestion. Should ex-soldiers form a new state on the frontier? And should...

May 7, 20242 min read
This Day in History: George Washington’s inaugural ball
On this day in 1789, the first inaugural ball is held. It wasn’t quite what we think of as a presidential ball, but it was a celebration,...

Feb 16, 20243 min read
This Day in History: George Washington's Call to Service
On this day in 1789, George Washington receives a letter from his friend Henry Knox. The two had been awaiting the outcome of our...

Jan 31, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Washington’s Birthday a federal holiday
On this day in 1879, Congress makes George Washington’s birthday a holiday. As far as the federal government is concerned, there is no...

Jan 30, 20243 min read
This Day in History: George Washington's only trip abroad
On this day in 1752, George Washington returns home from a trip to Barbados. That four-month trip would prove to be the one and only time...

Dec 14, 20233 min read
This Day in History: George Washington passes away
On this day in 1799, President George Washington passes away. He was living in retirement at Mount Vernon at the time. The importance of...

Nov 23, 20231 min read
This Day in History: Happy Thanksgiving!
At about this time in 1789, our country observes its first day of Thanksgiving and prayer. “[I]t is the duty of all Nations to...

Oct 26, 20231 min read
This Day in History: George Washington dreads the presidency
On this day in 1788, George Washington writes a letter. He really did not want to be President. He did it anyway. What a guy. And what a...
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