This Day in History: Abraham Lincoln elected President of the United States
Electoral College Myth #4: The Electoral College makes it easy to steal elections
Electoral College Myth #3: The Electoral College is undemocratic
Electoral College Myth #2: The Founders did not trust the people
Electoral College Myth #1: Only swing states matter. Other states are ignored.
This Day in History: John Quincy Adams versus Andrew Jackson
This Day in History: Nearly Forgotten Founder Roger Sherman
This Day in History: Teddy Roosevelt & chaos in 1912
This Day in History: Colorado grants women the right to vote
This Day in History: Andrew Jackson’s raucous inauguration
This Day in History: Richard Johnson's unusual election
This Day in History: The Attempted Assassination of Teddy Roosevelt
This Day in History: The World Series imitates the Electoral College
This Day in History: George Washington is unanimously elected President
This Day in History: James Monroe, the fourth President from Virginia
This Day in History: Election uncertainty in 2000
This Day in History: Grover Cleveland wins the popular vote, but loses the Electoral College
This Day in History: Calvin Coolidge is elected President of the United States
Electoral College Myth #7: Candidates who lose the popular vote shouldn’t win the White House
Electoral College Myth #6: The System Disenfranchises Voters Who Live in “Safe” States