Tara Ross is nationally recognized for her expertise on the Electoral College. She is the author of Why We Need the Electoral College (2019), along with multiple other books about the Electoral College. Her children's books include We Elect A President: The Story of our Electoral College (2016), She Fought Too: Stories of Revolutionary War Heroines (2019), and We Fought for Freedom: The Story of Our American Revolution (2022). She is a co-author of Under God: George Washington and the Question of Church and State (2008) (with Joseph C. Smith, Jr.). Her Prager University video, Do You Understand the Electoral College?, is Prager’s most-viewed video ever, with more than 66 million views.
Tara often appears as a guest on a variety of talk shows nationwide, and she regularly addresses civic, university, and legal audiences. She’s contributed to many prominent law reviews and newspapers and has addressed audiences at institutions such as the Cooper Union, Brown University, the University of Virginia, the Dole Institute of Politics, and Mount Vernon. She’s appeared on Fox News, CSPAN, NPR, and a variety of other national and local shows.
Tara is a retired lawyer and a former Editor-in-Chief of the Texas Review of Law & Politics. She obtained her B.A. from Rice University and her J.D. from the University of Texas School of Law. She resides in Dallas with her husband and children.